Posts tagged ‘Blogroll’

Brainless Barry Obama Struggles to Learn the Constitution

The destruction of America begins with Obama’s first steps to destroy the Constitution and institute dictatorship. I cannot believe that the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are not all over this.

This would be hilarious if it were not tragic. Our new President proudly boasted that he taught Constitutional Law at one of our best schools, the University of Chicago. His poor, unfortunate students!

First, he did not know the short, one sentence Oath required by the Constitution, and treated the entire world to the affirmative action version of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s On First” classic comedy routine at his inauguration. The Supreme Court even required him to re-do his Constitutional duty the next day so we could be sure he is President.

But his ignorance of the Constitution does not stop there.

This flub is really big. It is not a flub. It is the first step at installing absolute dictatorship and destroying the Constitution.

Brainless Barry actually ordered a  halt to the trials of Guantanamo terrorists. Obama thinks the judicial branch works for him.

Even better, as Harvard Law School graduate who got rich on legal fees, perhaps Barry could have learned that one does not just halt trials in progress. What a knowledgeable lawyer, our President. Perhaps we should write to the Harvard Law  School and ask that they teach their students about “double jeopardy” or did Barry just want to set the terrorists free?

A judge actually refused to stop a trial because it was none of Barry’s business. We wait with baited breath to see what and the Souther Law Center will do to destroy this judge for following the Constitution.

Barry, when you were teaching the Constitution, how on earth did you miss the part about three separate branches of government?

Listen, dear affirmative action president:

There are three branches of government: Judicial, Legislative and Executive. You are only dictator of the Executive Branch. The courts do not work for you. Perhaps you could read a textbook on the Constitutional Law you pretended to teach.

Too late we learn that “Change You Can Believe In” means throwing out the Constitution. Barry thinks there is only one branch of government, and it is Barry and Kumar’s the White Castle.

God Save America from Tyrants

In case you missed my favorite article about Obama first boss, a man who despises the Constitution, for whom Barry worked for seven years (but the media refused to write about this job, that was Barry’s only executive experience,) and who shaped Obama’s philosophy read this

January 30, 2009 at 11:09 am 12 comments

Still not writing but > . . . .

Hillary Clinton official video as Secretary of State LINK reallly funny

January 26, 2009 at 10:49 am Leave a comment

Too Busy to Write But . . .

here are some links to great comments on the death of democracy with humor

   New York   LINK

 Oprah LINK

January 26, 2009 at 10:39 am 1 comment

Barack Obama Wants to spend a Trillion for Fewer Jobs

I desperately want our first affirmative action president to succeed.

I just wish he had had any job before becoming President so that he might want to do something besides give free houses to all his friends in Acorn.

And what does CHANGE mean since all his appointees are Hillary Clinton’s appointees from her first two terms as President?

Only Dr. Chu from Berkeley, only one of 30 appointees, is not an old corrupt Democratic Machine Crony from the smoke filled rooms or the Chicago machine of Mayor Daley.

And his jobs program on January 8, 2009 called for replacing fewer jobs than were lost last year. On January 9 it was announced that 2,600,000 jobs were lost in 2007 yet Nobama ‘s jobs plan called for creating or replacing 2,500,000 jobs for on trillion dollars.

So his stated goal was to have fewer jobs!

And spend a trillion dollars to get us behind where we were before he became our first affirmative action President.

What an empty suit!

Lots of luck, America.

January 13, 2009 at 3:37 pm 6 comments

Hillary Clinton versus Sarah Palin

Some Democratic women are saying the if Obama had not been a sexist, egomaniac pig, he could have put Hillary Clinton on the ballot as his Vice Presidential candidate, and that would have “Palin – Proofed” his campaign.

Julia Piscitelli of the American University’s Women and Politics Institute agreed. “I don’t think Palin would be seeing these kind of gains if Hillary was on the ticket,” she said.


The Dems just don’t get it. America loves the ideas, the accomplishments, the record, the personality of Sarah Palin.

Recently I watched Gov. Palin on TV, then flipped channels to see Hillary speaking in Kissimmee, and thought, WOW, this is the difference between the American Dream and obsolete, dead in the water, old style politicians.

If Hillary were on the ticket, Sarah Palin would be even more successful because the contrast between her and Hillary would highlight how great Sarah really is.

Go ahead Obama, tell Buy Me Biden to fake illness and resign. Replace him with Hillary. Watch your ratings plummet even faster.

Ha Ha!

Americna voters are smart, and Michelle and Barack and Oprah Winfrey are not.

September 10, 2008 at 8:47 pm Leave a comment

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