Posts tagged ‘taxes’

Michelle Obama Imitating a Clown

On the Messiah’s recent trip to Indonesia I glimpsed a photo of Michelle (which has already been expunged from the web by politically correct Lame Street Media) with an idiot, clown-like grin on her face as she emerged with her head wrapped in a Muslim headdress.

The reason I say she was imitating a clown is because all the Indonesian women before her were bare headed wearing normal (hah) New York style clothing.

Obama was elected by people who said he would bring international respect back to
America but all he does is act like a clown.

The Koreans laughed him off the dais when he suggested that they drop their stiff import taxes that price American cars out of their market.

But did the Mohamed-would-be retaliate by taxing Korean cars imoported to the US?

Are you crazy? Only an intelligent person would do that, and Obama is the clown President.

Korea continues to dump printers cars
TVs and cell phones almost tax free into Aemrica, but we cannot sell anything to Korea because they have huge import duties.

Thank God we have a clown President and clown first lady to keep America in the clown seat on the international arena.

November 19, 2010 at 4:37 pm Leave a comment

Join A Tax Day Tea Party

Let me give you three reasons to go out and be a part of a Tax Day Tea Party TODAY:

  • If you’re a 50-year old-with a college degree, you will pay approximately $81,000over your working life just to pay the interest on the debt in the Obama budget.
  • If you’re a 40-year-old, you’ll pay $132,000.
  • And if you’re a 20-year-old, just starting out after college, you will pay a whopping $114,000just to service the interest on the debt created by the Obama budget.

PS: These figures are based only on his budget announced as of April Fools Day 2009. “Change you can believe in ” guarantees Obama will spend even more of money we don’t have.

Obama’s unannounced spending will make these numbers even worse.

To find a Tax Day Tea Party to attend today, visit or

April 15, 2009 at 10:27 am 1 comment

Idiot Obama Is Trying To Reinflate The Housing Bubble and Create An Even Worse Crash

Idiot Obama is setting mortgage rates so unrealistically low that he will cause re-inflation of the housing bubble when what we need is the opposite.

Home prices need to come down to the level of the 1990s, or drop another 30 to 40 percent for an average used home price just over $100,00 to $110,000.

No true bubble is cured until there is serious deflation and we have just begun to see it.

Fannie Mae is still putting out no money down and 5 percent down mortgages, which is what got us into this mess.

And Brainless Barry’s cram-down in which banks have to write down mortgages just means more banks will lose even more money.

Banks will lose money on the new mortgages being written because people will default when they lose their jobs to China.

Then taxpayers will have to give even more money to the banks.

Obama must get rid of Fannie Mae and GNMA; require 20 percent down payment on new homes; and limit credit card greed by the banks.

Until then Obama is just setting us up for another round of real estate crashes and bank failures.

That will require even bigger taxpayer bailouts, and our dollars and life savings will become Obama Paper, which equals toilet paper.

But you canot invest in real estate to get out of cash because real estate will crash again, and stocks and bonds have truly become toilet paper.

Brainless Barry, you really screwed us.

March 24, 2009 at 11:31 pm 3 comments

Cow Fart Tax! Change You Can Believe In!

Maybe Barack Obama should follow the cows around lighting matches. You cannot make this stuff up. This will cause inflation. Maybe we could use it to inflate dirigibles.

I know! Send out platoons of gay cowboys to plug their butts!

Democrats are going to tax cow farts because they contain methane and add to greenhouse gases.

You just gotta read this at this great blog:


January 2, 2009 at 2:28 pm 8 comments

Dictator Obama Puts His Enemies In Jail Even Before He Takes Office

The Only Reason Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested was because he refused to appoint Valerie Jarret to the vacant Senate seat as Obama wanted. The FBI released wiretaps in which Blagojevich said “Obama wants me to appoint his girl, but that motherf—–er won’t give me anything.”

Therefore, the FBI wiretaps prove that Obama did talk to Blagojevich about who he wanted for his replacement. Therefore Obama lied (once again, what is it? The 399th lie?) when Obama said he and his office were never in touch with Blagojevich! This may be the last time we get to see the FBI proving Obama is lying.

The word on the streets in the Chicago precincts is that Obama’s Chief of Staff ,Rahm Emmanuel, who is named in honor of the inventor of the car bomb, phoned the FBI to prompt them to arrest the Governor. If they will do that to a Governor, what will they do to you and me?

For weeks the world has been abuzz with Obama’s wish to reward his quarter century long supporter Valerie Jarrett for her more than 20 years of supporting the corrupt Obama machine, first by hiring Michelle Obama as the Assistant Director of Development for Mayor Daley’s even more corrupt Chicago political machine. After Jarrett hired Michelle, the two of them had the power to approve the crooked public housing development contracts that the Barack Obama the lawyer prepared for crooks like Rezko.

The Jarrett – Obama hookup enriched both of them while looting both the taxpayer coffers of the City of Chicago and looting non-profits that Obama controlled from his seat on the Board of Directors.

The infamous old “Chicago Way” was that when you wanted a favor, you had to pay for it. Obama played this game for twenty years.

Gov. Blagojevich only wanted to keep playing by the century-old rules and get paid for doing Obama a favor. In Chicago, in Illinois, this is perfectly acceptable inside the incredibly corrupt Democratic Party machine.

Indeed, in Mayor Daley’s world, which is no different than Tony Soprano’s world in the Mafia television series, is that if you refused to “pay to play” you might well have a garbage truck drive over your car with your wife and kids in it.

And the Main Stream Media that selected and supported Obama as President have already joined the massacre of the innocent, and are referring to the Governor as “whacko”, “off his rocker,” “bi-polar,” and “insane.”  This is the utter personal destruction that the Democrats and the Clintons had perfected to discredit their enemies.

Obama has adopted those tactics of yester year, and is applying them not just to enemies, but to a Governor who merely refused, dared, to not folow Obama the God’s wishes.

But now that the media have annointed Obama as God Almighty, Barry believes that he is above “the Chicago Way” tradition that made him into the President Elect.

So now we finally have learned what Obama’s nebulous, undefined motto of “Change You Can Believe In” actually means.

Obama’s “Change” means instead of Obama paying to play, the new world order is Obama does not pay, he pays back.

If we do not do as Obama wishes, he will have us arrested.</p>

As Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has just learned, when Obama says “appoint Valerie Jarrett to my Senate seat” and you dare to ask for a favor back in return, Obama has you arrested.

Change you can believe in.

Sure Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is a crook. That is totally irrelevant. So is every politician in the City of Chicago, and in all of Illinois, because all of Illinois is controlled by Mayor Daley, who appointed Barack Obama as President. To say the Gov. was arrested because he is a crook is naive. Nobody has arrested Mayor Daley of Chicago who makes the Gov. look like Mother Theresa

So I guess I had better stop criticizing them before the garbage truck drives head on into my car at a hundred miles an hour.

And this is all so hypocritical.

All Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich asked for is the same thing Obama got: a $350,000 a year no show job for his wife, just as Obama got the $350,000 no show job of Michelle Obama paid by the non-profit Hospital run by the University of Chicago.

In Illinois it is part of business as usual to abuse and loot non-profits. Of course, a few years ago Obama still paid to play. Just after his wife got the $350,000 a year no show job at the non-profit, Obama paid by granting a $1,000,000 earmark to the non-profit from the Illinois taxpayers.

But now that Obama has been selected as God Almighty by the media, Obama no longer pays in kind. If you do not carry out his divine will, he just arrests you for doing what he himself had done.

Change you can believe in.

Barack Obama is the Dictator. Watch for more acts of despotism..

December 10, 2008 at 1:49 pm 18 comments

Obama and Congress Sold America Out Again

These morons are actually going to bail out the big 3 auto companies and let them collect yearend Christmas bonuses this month.

My recommendation is ten cents each for all the officers and directors of GM Ford and Chrysler. In fact that is also my recommendation for the 2009 annual compensation for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Joe Buy Me Cheep Biden, and everyone else in both Houses of Congress: ten cents a year. And no more free room and board for Nobama’s aunt in public housing in Boston or his mother in law.

December 8, 2008 at 5:32 pm 1 comment

Paid Communist Agent Behind Barack Obama

Read this fantastically detailed article on paid Communist Agent behind Barack Obama and David Axelrod!!!

November 1, 2008 at 6:26 am 1 comment

Results of Early Israeli Votes for Obama

Surprise! Israel landslide 76% for John McCain!

Last nights poll of American citizens voting by absentee ballots in Israel votes 76% McCain, only 24% Obama

October 31, 2008 at 10:53 am 3 comments

4,316 Best Reasons for Barack Obama

Click on THIS VIDEO for 4,316 best reasons to vote for Barack Obama.

October 31, 2008 at 10:34 am 1 comment

Barack Obama’s Newest Healthcare Plan

Obama’s ‘dirty little secret the media won’t talk about’ – his radical plan to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits and Medicaid, full healthcare coverage.

By Obama’s own count there are 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. and he wants them all getting government benefits.

Obama has stated he also wants to give each and everyone of them amnesty and citizenship.

As for them learning English, he has stated he thinks American kids, your kids, should learn Spanish.

There is no doubt this man is the most radical leftist ever nominated by the Democratic party.

We have already exposed Obama’s shocking plan to give illegals driver’s licenses – even though everyone knows the 9/11 plot began with 13 of the 19 terrorists getting driver’s licenses.

As the American people find out about Obama and his plans, they will turn on him.

October 26, 2008 at 2:42 pm 1 comment

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