Posts tagged ‘news’

George Soros Wants A Replacement for Barack Obama??

Tell me somebody dropped acid into my green tea!

Soros the Soaring Socialist thiinks Obama does not have sharp enough a knife to disembowel America?

Dear George, hav not you noticed Socialized Medicine or the destruction of the value of the dollar?

Or the world wide inflation sparked by the flood of dollars from the Federal government to let the state and local governments from downsizing like the capitalist minor portion of America?

My local supermarket has already marked up many staples by 20% or more.

My Thanksgiving pumpkin pie was boosted 20% in price compared to last year. But the decreased the size of the pie, so that my pumpkin pie cost me thirty percent, yes 30% more per ounce than it did last year. At first I though Glenn Beck has lost his marbles with his fixation on food inflation, but 30% more per ounce for pumpkin pie!

November 19, 2010 at 4:47 pm 3 comments

Michelle Obama Imitating a Clown

On the Messiah’s recent trip to Indonesia I glimpsed a photo of Michelle (which has already been expunged from the web by politically correct Lame Street Media) with an idiot, clown-like grin on her face as she emerged with her head wrapped in a Muslim headdress.

The reason I say she was imitating a clown is because all the Indonesian women before her were bare headed wearing normal (hah) New York style clothing.

Obama was elected by people who said he would bring international respect back to
America but all he does is act like a clown.

The Koreans laughed him off the dais when he suggested that they drop their stiff import taxes that price American cars out of their market.

But did the Mohamed-would-be retaliate by taxing Korean cars imoported to the US?

Are you crazy? Only an intelligent person would do that, and Obama is the clown President.

Korea continues to dump printers cars
TVs and cell phones almost tax free into Aemrica, but we cannot sell anything to Korea because they have huge import duties.

Thank God we have a clown President and clown first lady to keep America in the clown seat on the international arena.

November 19, 2010 at 4:37 pm Leave a comment

Flying PIGS, Green Jobs and Marijuana Highs


The British elections are suddenly about immigration. Great Briton is part of the European Union, so anybody anywhere in the EU has the right to move to Briton and work there. Unemployment in England is high. College graduates cannot find a job, and what jobs there are, are significant portion of the British think should go to the native born British people! Can you imagine such racist prejudice?

Boy oh boy, Obama could really straighten them out! The Messiah should send some of our May Day Immigration protestors to London.

The elite do not get it.

Immigration is about jobs and the deficit.

The PIGS are Portugal, Greece, Ireland and Spain, all of which have out of control spending, exploding deficits, and rapidly falling bond ratings. In other words, the PIGS are living the Obama dream of Change.

 Spain followed the Obama Green Jobs blueprint. The Spanish government ran all kinds of publicity about all the Green Jobs Spain was creating, including the marijuana-smoking fantasy that for every carbon based job they lost, two new Green Jobs blossomed on the plain. You know, like in the Julie Andrews musical “The Rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plain!”

Ooops, turns out the Spanish government was lost in a musical marijuana fantasy. It turns out that the New Green Spain has now crossed 20% unemployment, heading in the wrong direction.

Is this the Green Jobs model that Obama has in mind for the US?

Obama believe there is no need for a Green Card to get Green Jobs in the US. Obama sees enough imaginary new green jobs for everybody in the world if they would just walk in to Phoenix, Arizona and vote the straight Democratic Party line ticket. Never mind that even our corrupted Department of Labor reports 9.6% unemployment, or 19.6% if you include electrical engineers flipping burgers at White Castle.

Spain, of course, was the victim of a train bombing by Al Qaeda just before their Presidential election. The new government got the message and withdrew Spanish troops from Iraq so Al Qaeda would not bomb them again.

That freed up the attention of the Spanish government to focus on Man Made Global Warming and creating a new economy rejecting carbon based business and focusing on Green Jobs, following the model Obama proposes for America with his Cap and Trade carbon taxes and wasteful, economy destroying subsidies for Green Technologies that simply are not economically feasible.

The Spanish version of Green Jobs is 20% unemployment. Oh, is that close to the 19.6% in the US?

Spain, of course, is racing towards more complete Socialism, and the Spanish deficit is in a competition with unemployment to see which can increase more quickly.

Greece, of course, is Spain on steroids but without the Green Jobs. The Greek Army joined the protestors over cuts in government spending.

The Greek government is not trying to balance the budget. No, no, Nannette. Greece is far too Socialist to entertain such an idea. Greece is merely trying to reduce the deficit enough so Germany will loan them more money to be immediately paid out as social justice and redistribution of wealth.

Unfortunately, Greece has run out of wealth to redistribute, so now social justice can only be achieved by borrowing money from Germany.  The German’s have not yet figured out that the loans will never be repaid. Or have they?

Is this a case of one Socialist government wafting its head in a marijuana cloud of disbelief , in total rejection of reality, vaguely hoping that miracles will happen and  Obama will create such a wealth of new Green Jobs in “Yes We Can America” that the US taxpayer will bail them all out?

But the US can only borrow enough from China and Japan to cover the Bush deficit. America has no idea where the money will come from to cover the Obama deficit, which makes the Bush deficit look like a minnow.

May 2, 2010 at 2:20 pm 2 comments

Look: Hawaii Statute Giving Obama Born In Kenya a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth

Here is cut and paste of Hawaiian legal statute §338-17.8 proving that Obama could get a Certificate of Live Birth from Hawaii AND be born in Kenya:

State of Hawaii Statute §338-17.8  Certificates for children born out of State.  [[or out of country]]
(a)  Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.
(b)  Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate.  The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.
(c)  The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]”

Everybody get that?

As long as an adult can walk into Hawaii’s version of the Department of Records and provide proof that they are a legal resident of Hawaii, the document is issued.

The child, on the other hand, could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest.

How much more proof do you disciples of the Messiah need before you will admit that there are legitimate reasons to demand answers on this issue?

Of course the fact that Obama may have been elected to our nation’s highest office in direct violation of the United States Constitution is not something that would greatly trouble a dedicated Kool-Aid drinker.


<!– –>
Reprinted from great  website:

August 14, 2009 at 10:47 pm 51 comments

Obama and Congress Must Get Same Health Plan As They Give Us

Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi want the government alternative health plan to be something that they would never give to themselves.

Barack Obama campaigned that the American Citizens should get health coverage “at least as good as we in the Senate have.”

We must hold him to that promise because, look at this email I just received:


Subject: Senior Death Warrant
> >>
> >> Read to end!
> >>
> >> IN GOD WE TRUST!!!!!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The actress Natasha Richardson died after falling skiing in Canada . It
> >> took
> >> eight hours to drive her to a hospital. If Canada had our healthcare she
> >> might
> >> be alive today. We now have helicopters that would have gotten her to the
> >> hospital in 30 minutes. Obama wants to have our healthcare likeCanada and
> >> England.
> >> In England anyone over 59 cannot receive heart rep airs or stents or
> >> bypass
> >> because it is not covered as being too expensive and not needed.
> >>
> >> I got this today and am sending it on. If Obama’s plans in other areas
> >> don’t
> >> scare you, this should.
> >>
> >>
> >> Please do not let Obama sign senior death warrants
> >>
> >> Everybody that is on this mailing list is either a senior citizen, is
> >> getting close or knows somebody that is.
> >>
> >> Most of you know by now that the Senate version (at least) of the
> >> “stimulus”
> >> bill includes provisions for extensive rationing of health care for
> >> senior
> >> citizens. The author of this part of the bill, former senator and tax
> >> evader,
> >> Tom Daschle was credited today by Bloomberg with the following statement.
> >>
> >> Bloomberg: Daschle says, “health-care reform will not be pain free.
> >> Seniors
> >> should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of
> >> treating them.”
> >> If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that Senators
> >> and Congressmen have their own healthcare plan that is first dollar or
> >> very low
> >> co-pay which they are guaranteed the remainder of their lives and are not
> >> subject to this new law if it passes.
> >>
> >> Please use the power of the internet to get this message out. T alk it up
> >> at
> >> the grassroots level. We have an election coming up in one year and nine
> >> months.
> >> We have the ability to address20and reverse the dangerous direction the
> >> Obama
> >> administration and it allies have begun and in the interim, we can make
> >> their
> >> lives miserable. Lets do it!
> >> If you disagree, don’t do anything.

June 27, 2009 at 1:10 pm 8 comments

Made In China Wings Fall Off Newest Boeing Jetliner

Boeing today announced that it is delaying the first test flight of its new 787 Dreamliner because of problems attaching the Made In China wings to the fuselage.

The most critical and advanced technology of jets are in the wings.

Because of bribery and intimidation, Boeing agreed to give all their technology to China and let the Commies make the most advanced wings in teh world using our technology.

Now Boeing cannot get the Chinese wings attached to the plastic jet body.

They have been having this problem for more than two years and the Boeing Creamliner keeps getting delayed again and again.

At the saem time the Commies have introduced their own new jetliner so they do not have to buy the mediu range planes form the West.

Cannot we ever learn?

Teach our enemies our secrets and they harm us using what we gave them?

Morons at Boeing.

Morons in the White House?

America is doomed by its own stupity.

June 23, 2009 at 11:31 am 1 comment

The Chinese Government Insults Obama

Today Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner, made a speech to Beijing University about Obama’s dedication to avoiding inflation and preserving the value of the dollar despite our “need” for massive stimulative spending financed by deficits. He said that China should not worry about the value of the dollar underlying their massive purchases of US debt, because the dollar was sound.

The response in America was a massive rally in all sectors of the stock market. The US rally even included a firming in Treasury bond prices, which had been falling and the yields rising out of fear of inflation from the Obama deficits.

In contrast, the professors and students in Beijing broke out in laughter at the ridiculousness of Geithner’s speech.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of Beijing University laughing openly in the face of a senior US official. To the Chinese, face is everything. For an audience to laugh openly at a senior government official is unthinkable. It is a great insult to Geithner, to Obama, and to America.

And it represents a top level communication of  the Chinese government that our government are such fools that it is permissible to insult them/us by laughing in our face in public.

Such an action insulting a Chinese government official would be punished by immediate disappearance and life imprisonment.

The US media suppressed all coverage of Bejing laughing at Geithner/Obama, or the stupidness of the response of the US markets to the same speech.

And that is why America is doomed. China understands that our government policy is laughable, doomed, and worthy of unthinkable direct insults.

The American media and financial world believe that the same speech is cause to buy stocks, bonds and enjoy euphoria.

One nation is inhabited by fools. Guess which one?

June 1, 2009 at 7:23 pm 1 comment

Queers and Obama Supporters Attack Veterans

A veteran who defended his country says he is now defending his right to support the military. The battle is with his homeowners association. Apparently, as seen in the video, Obama and Code Pink stickers found on other cars in the parking lot are not considered “advertisements” and are okay with the HOA president, but U.S. Marine Corps stickers are considered “advertisements” and not okay.

This news item is from Hyscience, a member of my blogroll. Please click on this link to see the video of this incident by the local TV station

May 28, 2009 at 6:25 pm 1 comment

State of Hawaii Says Obama “Birth Certificate” Not Valid, the “unbiased” truth seeker that has published Obama’s Certification of Live Birth that they say proves Obama was born in America, in “truth” is operated by the totally biased Annenberg Foundation that gave Obama and Bill Ayres $110 million to spend on improving education. But Obama and Ayres actually spent the $110 million teaching Chicago kids to vote for his sponsor Mayor Daley. The Annenberg Foundation did a follow up study that proved Obama and Ayres did not improve educational test scores by any amount.

Want proof of Annenberg’s bias and dishonesty?  Annenberg’s says that Ayres and Obama did not do know each other then!! Even though the Annenberg Foundation knows that Bill Ayres founded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (or “CAC”) and hired Obama to be its President for five years, all documented by the Corporate Minutes of the CAC that U. of Illinios Prof. William Ayres  donated to the archives section of the University of Illinois Library at its Chicago campus.   Ie., this is not web chatter, it is documented in the University of Illinois Library Archives!!  Commenters are calling me a liar. Go to Chicago and read it yourself!  Annenberg certainly knows the name of the President of a group to which it gave $110 million, and that name is Barack Obama! So Annenberg has proved, with its own contradictory published statements, that Annenberg and its website tell lies to benefit Obama, and that its own website publishes lies.

Back to the Obama/ “Certificate of Live Birth.”

Hawaii’s official birth certificate is the “Certificate of Live Birth” which is different from the “Certification of Live Birth”. Changing the “e” to “ion” is all the difference in the world. Obama and only publish the “ion” version, which is merely a computer printout, and not a birth certificate. How else are they different? Read and weep.

Annenberg’s continues to publish, even today,  Obama “Certification of Live Birth,” and Annenberg claims falsely that this proves Obama was born in the USA.

Annenberg’s corrupt factcheck,org published thousands of words about this but never once says that their document id the “ion” version, not the genuine “e” version. The most tragically comic statements on the corrupt is they quote people who “have seen” the “e” version.

Golly, Molly, if people “have seen” it,  why won’t Obama produce it?

Only one answer: it doesn’t exist. You would think by now, after he has been President so long, the FBI could have cooked up a good forgery for him? Don’t worry, eventually some liberal progressive totalitarian creep will forge one, but the fact that they went so long without producing it proves that no valid birth certificatE ever existed or they would have produced it.

Here is what the State of Hawaii’s official government websites publish about the matter:

QUOTE: “The Certification of Live Birth is a legal document, but it is TOTALLY INADEQUATE when it comes to proving an individual was born in Hawaii.

     The State of Hawaii DOES NOT EVEN ACCEPT the Certification of Live Birth as valid proof that an individual was born in Hawaii.

     The Hawaii Department of Homelands, which administers programs to encourage property ownership for native Hawaiians states the following on its website.

In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found ONLY on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth(a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL. [Emphasis Mine].

     The bottom line is that the Certification of Live Birth can be erroneous. It has been reported that it was not uncommon for foreigners residing in Hawaii to bring their infant children to the Clerk of the Court, swear they were born in Hawaii and have actual Certificates of Live Birth issued to their children.

    It has even been reported that foreigners residing in Hawaii, in some cases, produced birth certificates from foreign countries and the State of Hawaii still issued Hawaiian Certificates of Live Birth to the infants in question.

May 15, 2009 at 10:08 am 97 comments

Obama Will Appoint ACORN Fundraiser, ACLU President To Supreme Court

Judge Hamilton is the worst of Obama’s 15 new liberal appeals court appointees. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals covers Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois.  Since most cases never reach the Supreme Court, the federal appellate circuits often provide the last word on cases affecting life and liberty.


The Judicial Confirmation Network quickly opposed Hamilton’s nomination, stating that “President Obama’s first nominee to the federal appeals courts — specifically the appeals court based in Chicago — is an ultra-liberal named David Hamilton who is a former fundraiser for ACORN and former leader of the Indiana chapter of the ACLU. He was nominated to the district court bench by President Clinton even though he had no judicial experience and was rated as ‘not qualified’ by the American Bar Association.”

Hamilton ruled in 2005 to ban the practice of opening the chamber’s business with prayers mentioning Jesus Christ or using terms such as “Savior.” He said that amounted to state endorsement of a religion. (But he ruled prayers to “Allah” were perfectly lawful.)


Judge Hamilton wrote: “The injunction orders the Speaker…that the prayers should not use Christ’s name or title or any other denominational appeal…If those offering prayers in the Indiana House of Representatives choose to use the Arabic ‘Allah’…the court sees little risk that the choice of language would advance a particular religion or disparage others.”

In other words, Judge Hamilton ruled the words “Jesus” or “Christ” or “Savior” are illegal words, prohibited for public speech, banned by the First Amendment, which somehow prohibits freedom of religious expression, and makes Christian prayers ILLEGAL in a public forum. (What crazy version of the First Amendment is he reading?)

May 2, 2009 at 9:56 am 2 comments

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