Posts filed under ‘Michelle Obama’

Michelle Obama Imitating a Clown

On the Messiah’s recent trip to Indonesia I glimpsed a photo of Michelle (which has already been expunged from the web by politically correct Lame Street Media) with an idiot, clown-like grin on her face as she emerged with her head wrapped in a Muslim headdress.

The reason I say she was imitating a clown is because all the Indonesian women before her were bare headed wearing normal (hah) New York style clothing.

Obama was elected by people who said he would bring international respect back to
America but all he does is act like a clown.

The Koreans laughed him off the dais when he suggested that they drop their stiff import taxes that price American cars out of their market.

But did the Mohamed-would-be retaliate by taxing Korean cars imoported to the US?

Are you crazy? Only an intelligent person would do that, and Obama is the clown President.

Korea continues to dump printers cars
TVs and cell phones almost tax free into Aemrica, but we cannot sell anything to Korea because they have huge import duties.

Thank God we have a clown President and clown first lady to keep America in the clown seat on the international arena.

November 19, 2010 at 4:37 pm Leave a comment

Barack Obama, the newest banana republic’s top banana made it legal for rotten bananas to spoil the barrel

More than a year ago Oprah Winfrey had six single women on her show, all of which had been infected with HIV/Aids for several years. Strikingly, amazingly, incredibly, every one said that they were continuing to have sex with new men, and half of them said they were not telling their new sexual partners that they were infected.

Three of them were not using condoms!

Got that? They were intentionally infecting more men with HIV/Aids!

They said things like “Whoever infected me didn’t tell me, so why should I tell anyone?”

Now I am so simple minded that I believe those women should be arrested and institutionalized so they cannot spread fatal infections to unsuspecting, innocent people.

Actually, I believe they should be executed.

Every year there are more and more HIV/Aids infections. Therefore, large numbers of infected people are continuing to spread the disease.

We cannot learn how bad the problem is because the not so gay “gays” and queers have gotten laws passed so that it is a serious federal crime to tell that some crumbum has HIV/Aids.

I believe that everyone infected with HIV should have a scarlet “A” branded on their foreheads. That seems to be the only way to stop the spread of an incurable, inevitably fatal disease.

If someone has a better and MORE EFFECTIVE way to stop the spread of AIDS, please document the scientific article proving the effectiveness in the comments.

Now what does Obama have to do with this?

Obama has just proven that he does not care about the health of our people y signing a law that lets people enter the USA even though they are know to be incurably infected with HIV/Aids.

Of course, once they are inside the world’s newest banana republic, don’t you just bet that their little bananas are going to start infecting the rest of us?

So the banana republic’s top banana made it legal for rotten bananas to spoil the barrel!

Once a person has been infected with HIV/Aids, the medical cost until the prolonged but still inevitable death is more than a million dollars ($1,000,000).

That is one of the reasons why America has the highest per capita medical costs in the world.

Under Obama’s new law, the imported but avoidable medical costs will add still more to the deficit that is bankrupting our Nation.

It is the Barack Obama deficit, combined with his derelict lack of concern for the welfare of productive citizens and lack of morality that makes the USA the world’s newest banana republic.

October 30, 2009 at 7:04 pm 6 comments

Queers and Obama Supporters Attack Veterans

A veteran who defended his country says he is now defending his right to support the military. The battle is with his homeowners association. Apparently, as seen in the video, Obama and Code Pink stickers found on other cars in the parking lot are not considered “advertisements” and are okay with the HOA president, but U.S. Marine Corps stickers are considered “advertisements” and not okay.

This news item is from Hyscience, a member of my blogroll. Please click on this link to see the video of this incident by the local TV station

May 28, 2009 at 6:25 pm 1 comment

Obama Will Appoint ACORN Fundraiser, ACLU President To Supreme Court

Judge Hamilton is the worst of Obama’s 15 new liberal appeals court appointees. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals covers Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois.  Since most cases never reach the Supreme Court, the federal appellate circuits often provide the last word on cases affecting life and liberty.


The Judicial Confirmation Network quickly opposed Hamilton’s nomination, stating that “President Obama’s first nominee to the federal appeals courts — specifically the appeals court based in Chicago — is an ultra-liberal named David Hamilton who is a former fundraiser for ACORN and former leader of the Indiana chapter of the ACLU. He was nominated to the district court bench by President Clinton even though he had no judicial experience and was rated as ‘not qualified’ by the American Bar Association.”

Hamilton ruled in 2005 to ban the practice of opening the chamber’s business with prayers mentioning Jesus Christ or using terms such as “Savior.” He said that amounted to state endorsement of a religion. (But he ruled prayers to “Allah” were perfectly lawful.)


Judge Hamilton wrote: “The injunction orders the Speaker…that the prayers should not use Christ’s name or title or any other denominational appeal…If those offering prayers in the Indiana House of Representatives choose to use the Arabic ‘Allah’…the court sees little risk that the choice of language would advance a particular religion or disparage others.”

In other words, Judge Hamilton ruled the words “Jesus” or “Christ” or “Savior” are illegal words, prohibited for public speech, banned by the First Amendment, which somehow prohibits freedom of religious expression, and makes Christian prayers ILLEGAL in a public forum. (What crazy version of the First Amendment is he reading?)

May 2, 2009 at 9:56 am 2 comments

Barack Obama Sets New Record for Mistakes by Any New President

This is so sweet. Brainless Barry just keeps on giving.

He is already in a pis–ng match with the mainstream media that got hiim elected and he is only three short days into his Presidency. How delicious can it get? I love you Barry! Kiss, Kiss!

The only smart thing he has done so far was to con Bhillary into the Secretary of State job, which is the only cabinet position that is absolutely doomed to automatic failure.

I just cannot wait to watch Bhillary using her famous tact (I cannot stop laughing as I write this: Hillary’s “tact” Whee!!) to make peace between Isreal and the Arabs. But that amount of smarts is beyond Barry: it bears the unmistakeable mark of Rahm Emanuel, whose father and uncle are experts at blowing things up in the Mideast. Now they are blowing up Hillary’s career.

But back to Barack Obama setting the historical record for the most mistakes, flubs, and disasters between getting elected and getting inaugurated.

First, he failed to get sworn in like all 43 Presidents before him. The Chief Justice demanded that Barry redo the Oath the next day! Jeez, you cannot make this stuff up! And the next day his Vice President Joe Biden makes a joke about it in front of Obama! Did you see that video? Obama looked just like his cousin Odinga before he set fire to the church full of Christians. Dr. Jill Biden better check that Joe’s life insurance policies are paid up.

That big open mouth to mouth kiss she planted on Obama onstage at the Convention in Denver may not be enough to save her hubby from his big Irish blathering mouth.

So Barry is unique among Presidents in that he had two “first days as President.” And he screwed them both up! Change you can believe in! How sweet it is.

With permission, I am going to reprint this article with permission from that great lady and fellow New Yorker  Ruthie Goldman’ Here it is:

Obama’s Honeymoon Is Over After Just Three Days as President

January 23, 2009 ·

Isn’t this absolutely delicious!

First He bungles his first act as President, which was taking the Oath of Office.

Then he appointed and swore in his Cabinet before he took the second Oath of Office so maybe his Cabinet is not legal.

He appointed an Attorney General who arranged the pardon of Marc Rich, who collaborated with the enemy, swindled the public out of billions of dollars overcharging for oil, and set the record as the biggest tax evader in all history.

He appointed a Secretary of State that he previously said had no  foreign policy experience.

Then he appointed as Head of the CIA the idiot who forced the CIA to downsize under Clinton so we got misinformation about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Even better, the One was too insensitive to even tell his fellow Democratic Senior Senator Feinstein about the CIA appoint, forgetting the minor matter that she heads the intelligence committee. Brainless Barry!

So  he tried appointing  Governor Richardson who was under investigation by the FBI for six months.

Then he announced a jobs plan for 2.5 million jobs the day before his Labor Dept said we lost 2.6 million jobs, showing he has his head stuck someplace it should not be. Cannot even talk to his jobs department?

Or is that his solution to global warming? Fewer jobs?

Then he appoints to run the economic bailout the incompetent boob who oversaw the disaster as Head of the New York Fed and to boot committed felony Tax Evasion.

Then Obama locks the Press Corps out of his make-up second inauguration.

Then he won’t let the media take photos or video inside the White House

Then he appoints a lobbyist or two to his team.

Then he bites the head off a reporter who asks why he hired a lobbyist after two yearas of campaigning he would not hire any lobbyist.

Then the media refused to use the photos forced down their throats by the White House.

So now the Messiah is in a pissing match with the media who elected him.

Never in the history of America has any President screwed up so much in his first three days!!!

The next four years are going to be fun, fun, fun!!!

January 24, 2009 at 5:45 pm 9 comments

To Put Obama’s New Coverup in Perspective, Look at This

 It is not surprising the media are whitewashing the phony Obama investigation of HimSelf the One.

Unbelievably, he investigated himself, and found himself not guilty? In five pages? Is this a joke?

For perspective on the transparency of Obama’s executive experience read THESE OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS

It has been viewed more than 3,500 times, and although it is long, it is entirely factual and received 59 comments, the most of any of my controversial posts.

Obama’s executive experience as President of a charity that wasted $110 million is about halfway down the post.

December 26, 2008 at 12:31 pm 6 comments

Merry Christmas! I Am Off To Eat My Holiday Fruitcake

All the previous discussions of fruits, fruitflies and fruitiness has made me tired and hungry.

I am off to visit Rick Warren for Christmas fruitcake recipes.

My favorite  fruitcake has a lot of rum.

In fact, there is nothing like rummies and parties. Lets party CLICK THIS LINK

December 25, 2008 at 6:11 pm 1 comment

Obama Investigation? What Investigation?

After reading the report of Zerobama’s falsely labeled investigation of contacts between the One and His team with Blagojevich, one thing jumped out at me.

Where is the investigation?

All I can find is a couple of lawyers having coffee while chatting with each other.

There is no compilation of all the emails and phone records of The One, Emanuel the Killer, Axelrod the ROD, nor of any other Obama staff.

So nobody has performed any analysis or search to see what and how many communications there were with the Governor, and certainly the report contains not a single transcription of any communication, let alone whether any communications were (1) improper, or (2) illegal.

This investigation has all the intellectual shortcomings of Michelle Obama’s famous Princeton thesis in which she refused to accept the findings of the statistics she collected.

The report has no mention of David Axelrod’s statement in early November that Obama met with Blagojevich immediately after the election. We are supposed to imagine that this simply vanishes in thin air.

If the Sarah Pallin troopergate investigation had been anywhere nearly as empty was this, the media would have gone nutz. Oh wait. The media did go nuts.

The media has a duty to the American people to go nuts over the inadequacy of this investigation.

The FBI says it has been investigating Blagojevich for three years. If a man is a crook, why does it take three years of wiretaps? Actually, it defies belief that any Illinois politician could go three years without incriminating himself. Good thing they never wiretapped the ONE.

Zerobama released the report on 4:30 Tuesday after all the major media talent had left for the airports for the Christmas holidays.

The junior reporters who were left as fillers in the newsrooms fell all over themselves saying giddily, “Look, the investigation shows no wrongdoing!”

What investigation?

Zerobama campaigned on the promise that his administration would be characterized by total transparency.

I guess he kept his promise, because I can see all the way right through this one!

Now, if we cannot figure out how this report works, how can we figure out what this means? Do click on it!

And then figure out how we can keep guard over the activities of the ONE when he has 500,000 person private army of “volunteers?” Ever hear of Hitler’s Brownshirts of paid “volunteers?”

December 25, 2008 at 4:34 pm 6 comments

Sarah Palin’s Church Burned by Al Gayda

One of the biggest and most atrocious propaganda victories in history is the theft of the nice and ancient word “gay” as the now universal label for queers, faggots, lesbians, bisexuals, self-mutilated transexuals,  and homosexuals.

There is nothing “gay” about being gay.

In fact the history of these perverts is not gay, it is a history of violence and intimidation.

Last year I listened raptly to the granddaughter of the former head of the American Psychiatric Association on National Public Radio. I think that she boasted her great pride how her grandfather participated in lies, intimidation and deception to get homosexuality removed from the APA’s Catalog of Official Diseases. I think she boasted of how he concealed his homosexuality for most of his life, and concealed it from the Republic of Ireland.

Concealed his homosexuality from the Republic of Ireland?

Yep. I think she said that he testified to the Irish parliament, on his authority as President of the American Psychiatric Association, that homosexuality was normal, that there was absolutely no scientific evidence that being queer was either a disease nor an abnormality, and that Ireland should amend its Constitution to permit homosexuals to be President.

Impressed by this expertise of a straight man who was President of the American Psychiatric Association, Ireland did so.

He falsely gave them the impression that this was the official position of the American Psychiatric Association based on scientific studies.

No such thing was true at that time:  he flat out lied and deceived the Irish Parliament.

I think that the granddaughter bragged that there was no such scientific evidence, and carried on about how the faggots dressed up in masks and costumes to terrorize the Convention of the Psychiatric Society until they forgot and rejected the science, and made it illegal for any psychiatrist to treat a patient with homosexuality as a disease.

In fact, thanks to this deception, a psychiatrist can lose his  medical license for referring to a homosexual as abnormal or sick. Freedom of speech in America? What a joke.

Under the false banner of getting their freedom, gays are stripping our freedom of speech.

Sarah Palin’s church in Alaska was holding workshops to help people who were unhappy with their homosexuality to find ways to deal with it.

The church was not condemning “gays” as perverts.

The new American terrorists who have been rioting in the streets of California and in  the media in fury over the majority of the California voters to reject gay marriage, I think set fire to the church.

The fire started with an accelerant, possibly gasoline, spread in the entrances of the church, almost trapping the church ladies and two children inside.

Burning a church with people and children  inside!

This brings to mind images of the KKK, and of Obama’s cousin Odinga’s group burning the Kenyan church to the ground while 400 Christians were locked inside.

We need a new, more descriptive name for homosexuals. “Gay” is clearly not descriptive of the truth.

How about “Al Gayda?”

Because queers in America are terrorists.

December 16, 2008 at 3:00 am 7 comments

Dictator Obama Puts His Enemies In Jail Even Before He Takes Office

The Only Reason Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested was because he refused to appoint Valerie Jarret to the vacant Senate seat as Obama wanted. The FBI released wiretaps in which Blagojevich said “Obama wants me to appoint his girl, but that motherf—–er won’t give me anything.”

Therefore, the FBI wiretaps prove that Obama did talk to Blagojevich about who he wanted for his replacement. Therefore Obama lied (once again, what is it? The 399th lie?) when Obama said he and his office were never in touch with Blagojevich! This may be the last time we get to see the FBI proving Obama is lying.

The word on the streets in the Chicago precincts is that Obama’s Chief of Staff ,Rahm Emmanuel, who is named in honor of the inventor of the car bomb, phoned the FBI to prompt them to arrest the Governor. If they will do that to a Governor, what will they do to you and me?

For weeks the world has been abuzz with Obama’s wish to reward his quarter century long supporter Valerie Jarrett for her more than 20 years of supporting the corrupt Obama machine, first by hiring Michelle Obama as the Assistant Director of Development for Mayor Daley’s even more corrupt Chicago political machine. After Jarrett hired Michelle, the two of them had the power to approve the crooked public housing development contracts that the Barack Obama the lawyer prepared for crooks like Rezko.

The Jarrett – Obama hookup enriched both of them while looting both the taxpayer coffers of the City of Chicago and looting non-profits that Obama controlled from his seat on the Board of Directors.

The infamous old “Chicago Way” was that when you wanted a favor, you had to pay for it. Obama played this game for twenty years.

Gov. Blagojevich only wanted to keep playing by the century-old rules and get paid for doing Obama a favor. In Chicago, in Illinois, this is perfectly acceptable inside the incredibly corrupt Democratic Party machine.

Indeed, in Mayor Daley’s world, which is no different than Tony Soprano’s world in the Mafia television series, is that if you refused to “pay to play” you might well have a garbage truck drive over your car with your wife and kids in it.

And the Main Stream Media that selected and supported Obama as President have already joined the massacre of the innocent, and are referring to the Governor as “whacko”, “off his rocker,” “bi-polar,” and “insane.”  This is the utter personal destruction that the Democrats and the Clintons had perfected to discredit their enemies.

Obama has adopted those tactics of yester year, and is applying them not just to enemies, but to a Governor who merely refused, dared, to not folow Obama the God’s wishes.

But now that the media have annointed Obama as God Almighty, Barry believes that he is above “the Chicago Way” tradition that made him into the President Elect.

So now we finally have learned what Obama’s nebulous, undefined motto of “Change You Can Believe In” actually means.

Obama’s “Change” means instead of Obama paying to play, the new world order is Obama does not pay, he pays back.

If we do not do as Obama wishes, he will have us arrested.</p>

As Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has just learned, when Obama says “appoint Valerie Jarrett to my Senate seat” and you dare to ask for a favor back in return, Obama has you arrested.

Change you can believe in.

Sure Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is a crook. That is totally irrelevant. So is every politician in the City of Chicago, and in all of Illinois, because all of Illinois is controlled by Mayor Daley, who appointed Barack Obama as President. To say the Gov. was arrested because he is a crook is naive. Nobody has arrested Mayor Daley of Chicago who makes the Gov. look like Mother Theresa

So I guess I had better stop criticizing them before the garbage truck drives head on into my car at a hundred miles an hour.

And this is all so hypocritical.

All Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich asked for is the same thing Obama got: a $350,000 a year no show job for his wife, just as Obama got the $350,000 no show job of Michelle Obama paid by the non-profit Hospital run by the University of Chicago.

In Illinois it is part of business as usual to abuse and loot non-profits. Of course, a few years ago Obama still paid to play. Just after his wife got the $350,000 a year no show job at the non-profit, Obama paid by granting a $1,000,000 earmark to the non-profit from the Illinois taxpayers.

But now that Obama has been selected as God Almighty by the media, Obama no longer pays in kind. If you do not carry out his divine will, he just arrests you for doing what he himself had done.

Change you can believe in.

Barack Obama is the Dictator. Watch for more acts of despotism..

December 10, 2008 at 1:49 pm 18 comments

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